Stan Can Design


For the past 6 years, DICE has served as a platform for all design disciplines and how they improve our future. Featuring industry leaders as guest speakers and an annual design competition, the DICE Design Conference challenges our thinking and explores the power and potential of good design.

This year, DICE 2016 considers how we “adapt” the way we work and the solutions we present in an ever changing business environment. The conference is challenging all participants to utilize their profession or their particular skill to adapt the university district/downtown environment to attract residents, students, businesses and visitors.


To promote and pay homage to the Adapt theme, Stan Can Design and Design Concern partnered to create ADAPType, a custom font family exclusive to DICE ‘16. ADAPType then served as the design system for all of the conference’s promotional items.



The wonderful thing about ADAPType is in its name: it’s totally adaptive. It’s able to move, shift, flex, and fill any space at any size. This is where it ceases to be your typical font and becomes the forefront of its implementation. ADAPType is available for free in book weight on the DICE website. The full font family is included with your ticket to DICE 2016: Adapt and is available for purchase on the site as well.



This year’s conference features some of the design industry’s top names: Karen Hibma, a strategic identity consultant and one of Fast Company’s top 1,000 creatives in the world; Ashley Z. Hand, an urban architect that consults the world’s smartest cities on how to be smarter; and Gena Wirth, a landscape architect who protects coastal regions from the next superstorm.



By now, the “exciting” news about Reno is almost, well, old news. The big names are moving in, and as the city works to pinpoint just how much demand that will create, new businesses, big and small are taking a gamble on the “Biggest Little”. So, how will this urban underdog adapt to its new look? Find out at DICE 2016: Adapt! Visit the DICE website for more information and speaker details. Or, reserve your seat for the conference here.


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