Another year, another brilliant round of photography and video for EMPLOYERS, America’s Small Business Insurance Specialist. As the company completes their evolution into a fully nationwide insurance provider, their need for more and more diverse brand touch points continues to grow.
This last go around, Stan Can Design and the team at Jeff Dow Photography added seven new industries to their ever-expanding library of employees in the workplace. For EMPLOYERS, the photos and videos are much more than marketing eye candy.
Each photo allows their sales and marketing team to speak directly to the industries that are most profitable for the company to insure. This means more relevant marketing for their customers and more results for their agents.
On top of that, our job as an agency is to not only art direct the shoot, but also find a place for the EMPLOYERS brand in every shot. The photos all have some sort of American flag or other form of patriotism displayed – an Easter egg of sorts that nods to the brand tagline. It’s a subtle approach to showing EMPLOYERS’s national reach without getting too heavy on the American pride.
Photos like these are a great example of an unorthodox brand touchpoint. Rather than slapping the logo on a photo in the traditional manner, each photo can live on its own within the EMPLOYERS brand.
Want more EMPLOYERS branding? Check out our portfolio page.
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