

It’s not often we come across businesses who are as laser-focused in their purpose as Copenhaver Architecture.

When Todd Copenhaver approached us about developing and designing his brand, we were impressed to find he had really done a lot of the hard work for us. He outlined his ethos for us: to highlight the inherent uniqueness in every space with designs that unlock social interaction.

Boom. Just like that, his brand unfolded on its own. Often in the world of brand development, a company’s proposition looks more like an intersection. That proved true with Todd and his mission for Copenhaver Architecture.

The Copenhaver Architecture brand lives where “purpose” and “play” meet. It’s a promise of aesthetics, efficiency, and practicality, the hallmarks of not only architecture but all design disciplines. But it’s also a tip of the hat to the sort of whimsy and plain ol’ fun that’s missing from most modern architecture.

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